Seeing as how this semester is nearly over, I thought I would take the opportunity to blog about … well, blogging. Original, I know.
For those readers who may not know why I started this blog in the first place, let me explain. This started as a potential extra credit assignment for my “Advanced Writing for the Mass Media” class. In considering the prospect of doing a “professional blog,” I did a little research to see what other people out there are doing.
It didn’t take long for me to realize that there is not one specific way to do a professional blog. There are some that are more focused on reporting about specific techniques, theories, or innovations within a certain profession. Then there are those that are written by someone within a certain profession and more focused on their ideas or opinions about specific techniques, theories, or innovations within that field.
The range of professional blogs that I found made the idea of doing this assignment less intimidating. And for someone who constantly has random thoughts and ideas banging around in my head, it’s turned out to be a good outlet. I’ve really enjoyed the weeks that I knew a thought was forming in my head and making connections. This would usually end up giving me something to post about later on. Thinking about concepts that we’d discussed in class for the blog was a good way for me to get a better understanding of them as well.
The hard part was coming up with a post on the weeks that no idea had room to form. Those were the weeks where school demands, work demands, and life in general felt like it was taking up all extra space in my head and any idea that tried to move around in there would run the risk of causing an explosion. I gained a lot of respect for columnists that have to come up with an interesting piece several times a week, or even daily!
As I continue on down the road of education in the field of communications and journalism, the blogging exercise is something that I hope to continue and expand upon. I’m very interested in the move to the Internet that journalism is taking and I’m thankful that this assignment was given as an option for us students. I think it will be a valuable tool to have in the future.
So, until the next thought starts rattling around in my head, best wishes to all for a very happy holiday season and to my fellow students: good luck on finals!